lexiCan 5 Business Hilfe

Simple and Powerful - The lexiCan Principle

lexiCan is a simple and powerful tool that helps you to organise knowledge. You can enter your own descriptions for a title using text, tables, pictures and links to files as well as internal and external references. The software works like a lexicon, which is how it got its name.




All articles on a specific topic are called a project in lexiCan. A project may comprise all the information collected for a degree dissertation, all the plants in your garden along with the necessary growing information or a summary of your team's or company's knowledge. You can create as many projects as you need.


Following a quick guide to managing your knowledge easily and efficiently

1. Collecting Knowledge

2. Organising an Linking Knowledge

Organise your project.
Connect your knowledge using links to articles.

tags and references.
Use the
home page as a clear introductory page to your project.

3. Accessing Knowledge

Access specific articles quickly and efficiently: Index including Filter function
Using the
Outline view you access your knowledge via the structure.
You can also access information via
assigned files or pictures.
full text search also includes attachments.

4. Sharing Knowledge

Use the clipboard to copy short text passages. Use Export Projects as Documents if you mainly want to export text and pictures.
Exporting Projects as Websites also provides access to files.
Exporting Projects as HTML Help Files you make your knowledge available with an index, outline and full text search on every Windows computer.


We will be pleased to provide you with further assistance and welcome any suggestions concerning our software and this user manual. Please write to info@lexican.de.



Your lexiCan Team